Von: ludger hennig
Datum: 14. Juli 2013 05:53:21 GMT+01:00
dear all,
herewith an announcement to the second festival for improvised and experimental music in leipzig @ klangkunstprojekte
festival for improvised music
22.07 – 28.07.2013
happening @
klangkunstprojekte leipzig
mariannenstr. 89
04315 leipzig
there will be:
daily lecture @ 14:00 on topics related to improvised music or improvisationProjects
daily experiments @ 16:00 with smaller ensembles
daily concerts between 20:00 – 22:00 on the attic of M89
(large improvisation ensemble with 8 -12 channel soundprojections)
there will be improvisation artists coming from france, germany, korea, mexico, poland, suisse, usa.
a special concert – „time strategies“ supported as konzert des deutschen musikrates will happen on saturday 27.07.2013 19:30.
the NUR cafe will also be opened for the whole time of the activities.
part of the smaller experiment concerts will happen in the cafeSpace downstairs.
all activities will be found shortTime in advance on the festival blog:
please see more information end of this mail + @ following links:
hope to see + hear you around!
festival for improvised music
22.07 – 28.07.2013
daily lectures will be held at 14:00 afternoons wherein its topics are all related to improvised music. the lecture will be held at the NUR cafe @ M89 (mariannenstr. 89). for the current lecture programme please have a look at the festival blog as the lectures will be announced one day before they happen.
daily experiments can be visited in Nur cafe @ M89. small combinations of different encounters will follow diversified ideas of improvised music. the experiments can be understood as a kind of kitchen where musicians will be creating, discussing and trying out various kinds of musical communication. as these experiments are not planned at all (remember this is a symposium for improvised music!) the programme for all these encounters will be published one day in advance in the festival blog as the main interest in these meetings is to keep it all fresh and new …
daily concerts will happen on the attic of the building between 20:00 and 22:00. the idea of these concerts is to have all musicians playing in one single ensemble at the same time. there will be no structural compositions, no planning neither concerning the sound or the form of what ever happens. all pieces will sound as they are expressed by all cultural, musical and improvisational identity and skill of each of the participating artists. as the musicians will be present at different dates during this festival week a daily lineUp can be obtained (guess where ?) at the festival blog . electroacoustic sound projection will be realised by an 8-12 loudspeakers system, technically provided by klangkunstprojekte and the studio for electroacoustic music @ academy of music in weimar. there will be an entrance fee for the concerts of 5€/3€.
about the symposium:
this symposium improv.2013 is happening for the second time and extending its field of activity by lectures related to improvised music and further strategies.
the aim of the project is to support the international network of musicians, soundartists and improvisers, to provide a space for different encounters of improvisation diciplines and to bring forward acoustic and electroacoustic improvisation.
the festival/symposium will happen for a whole week from 22.07 to 28.07.2013. every festivalday will start with a lecture and discussion of different topics related to improvised music. during the afternoon small ensembles will meet to play and experiment. in the evenings there will be improvisation Concerts between 20:00-22:00 with all musicians being on stage.
this year the event is supported by the culturefond of the city of leipzig and by deutscher musikrat for a special concert (konzert des deutschen musikrates) related to time and improvisationStrategies.
lineUP musicians:
bruno angeloni (leipzig/italy) soprano saxophone
loic bertrand (berlin/france) flute+clarinet
andre bartetzki (berlin) laptop+objects
sindre bjerga (norway) electronics
sofia borges (berlin) percussion+laptop
sebastien branche (paris/fr) reeds
sebastian brunnlechner (leipzig) guqin+violin
d`incise (genève/suisse) objects+laptop
patrick francke (leipzig) fieldrecording
emilio gordoa (berlin/mexico) vibes
willi hanne (hannover) drums
guenter heinz (dresden) trombone
ludger hennig (leipzig) laptop
christof knoche (NYC/usa) bassClarinet
markus markowski (bremen) prep.guitar+electronics
rafal mazur (krakow/pl) bassGuitar
joris ruehl (paris/fr) clarinet
daniel schulz (potdam) laptop+sachen
stephan schultze (berlin) prep. piano+electronics
richard scott (berlin/uk) electronics
nicolas wiese (berlin) electronics
michelle yom (berlin/korea) flute
ludger hennig
mobile: +49 (0) 152 289 375 76