Von: Harald Muenz
Datum: 24. Juni 2011 13:07:56 MESZ
Betreff: LONDON – BEAM Festival 24-26 June
The BEAM Festival is going to be the largest event yet in Brunel
University’s new Artaud Performance Centre and is happening this
BEAM celebrates electronic music and its performance, kinetic
sculpture and installations, sonic robots controlled by theremins –
all sorts of incredible sights to see and sounds to hear. It is very
much a public event, with the hope of 300 festival-goers arriving on
campus and artists from Japan, the USA, all over Europe and the UK
attending to perform and present their work.
Some Brunel-related highlights for anyone wishing to come:
Friday 24th June
5pm: Launch and installation openings followed by 8pm evening event,
opened by Stelarc and Jennifer Walshe in a world premiere duet
Saturday 25th June
Installations and free workshops all afternoon (again, suitable for
families and experts alike)
11am-1pm: Pecha kucha with artists followed by a debate chaired
by curator and BBC presenter Ed McKeon and theatre director Tim Hopkins;
1-3pm: A Sonic Picnic (suitable for families);
3pm: Music by staff members Christopher Fox, Carl Faia, Harald
Muenz, John Croft, played by virtuoso flautist Richard Craig and
singer Lore Lixenberg
7pm: Evening event with Music’s new Artist in Residence Leafcutter
John, Sarah Nicolls‘ Inside-out Piano and interludes from Colin
Riley’s band Moov
Sunday 26th June
11.15am: Bob Gilmore’s trio Scordatura in concert
2-4pm: Massed Orchestra led by Leafcutter John
BEAM Festival
Brunel Electronic and Analogue Music Festival
24 – 26 June 2011
Brunel University West London
Kingston Lane
Uxbridge, Middlesex