Von: John Dack
Datum: 29. November 2011 01:09:45 MEZ
Betreff: Symposium in London
If you’re in London on December 13th this might interest you:
DREAM Symposium: Technology and Musical Thought
December 13th, 2011, 10:00-17:00
Room G22/26
Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
This one-day symposium is part of the DREAM project (Digital Re-
appropriation of ElectroAcoustic Music) (http://dream.dei.unipd.it).
The project is supported by a grant awarded from the European Union
Culture Programme 2007-2013 (Education, Audiovisual & Culture
Executive Agency). The lead institution is the University of Padua
(Italy) under the direction of Dr. Federico Avanzini. The partner
institutions are the University of Aalborg (Denmark) led by Dr.
Stefania Serafin and the University of Middlesex (United Kingdom) led
by Dr. John Dack.
The DREAM project’s aim is to investigate and re-create digitally the
analogue equipment used during the 1950s in the Studio di Fonologia
Musicale of the RAI studios, Milan. At the project’s conclusion in
September 2012 a permanent exhibit will be installed at the Milan
Museum of Musical Instruments in Castello Sforzesco. By means of
interfaces designed by Dr Serafin’s team, visitors to the exhibition
will be able to create new versions of the ‘open form’ work ‘Scambi’
realized in 1957 by the Belgian composer Henri Pousseur (1929-2009).
The symposium at the Institute of Musical Research
(www.music.sas.ac.uk) will contextualize the interaction between
musical thought and technology as exemplified by the composers of the
RAI studio and address the wider issue of how electronic technology –
both analogue and digital – has influenced musical composition in the
past and how it continues to inform how we ‘think’ musically today.
There will be six speakers :
Dr. Craig Ayrey (Goldsmiths College, University of London) – analyst,
Prof. Clarence Barlow (University of California, Santa Barbara) –
Prof. Marc Battier (Université Paris-Sorbonne) – musicologist.
Prof. Pascal Decroupet (Université de Nice) – musicologist.
Prof. Elena Ungeheuer (Universität Würzburg) – musicologist.
Dr. John Young (De Montfort University) – electroacoustic composer.
The symposium will be chaired by Dr. John Dack of the Lansdown Centre
for Electronic Arts, Middlesex University. Presentations will last 30
minutes including 10 minutes for discussion. An experimental
‘reacTable’ interface built by Robin Fencott (Queen Mary College,
London) will also be on display to demonstrate how versons of ‘Scambi’
can be created in real-time.
The symposium includes a buffet lunch and is free for all
participants. However, space is limited and those interested in
attending should contact Dr. John Dack (j.dack@mdx.ac.uk) to reserve a
John Dack
Dr John Dack
Senior Lecturer
The Grove Building
Middlesex University
The Burroughs
London NW4 4BT
t: +44 (0)20 8411 5109
f: +44 (0)20 8411 3452
e: j.dack@mdx.ac.uk