Von: Marc Behrens
Datum: 2. September 2010 12:16:41 MESZ
Betreff: Marc Behrens, News September 2010
Marc Behrens, News September 2010
London, U.K.:
September 13-16, 2010
«Field Studies» – a four-day summer workshop exploring architecture
and the city through listening and recorded sound, led by Justin
Bennett, John Levack Drever and Marc Behrens. Faculty of Architecture
and Spatial Design, London Metropolitan University. Organised by Musarc.
Darmstadt, Germany:
September 18, 2010
Participation in a symposium connected to the exhibition «Das
Menschenbild in unserer Zeit», organized by the artists association
Darmstädter Sezession. Lectures by Martin Schneider, Annegret Soltau,
Dr. Wolfgang Zumdick and Marc Behrens. Kunsthalle Darmstadt,
Steubenplatz 1, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany.
Marl, Germany:
through October 03, 2010
BUSHDESERTRAINFOREST, 52-minute sound piece presented on headphones in
the exhibition «Ausstellung Deutscher Klangkunstpreis 2010» in the
Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl. The piece was produced by WDR 3
open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger and broadcast
October 2, 2009. For more information please check the museum’s