Subject: Marc Behrens News January 2016
From: Marc Behrens
Marc Behrens News January2016
opening January 22, 2016, 8:00 PM
exhibition January 23 – March 20, 2016, open Thu–Sat 1:00–6:00 PM
De Garage, Mechelen, Belgium: collaborating with Belgian artist Steve
van den Bosch
installation «List of Works» for his exhibition «Inferpretation &
Intection». Voice: Kate Mayne.
De Garage
Onder den Toren 12A, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium.
January 28, 2016, 10:30 PM
Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal: Marc Behrens’ (D/KREV) return to
Passos Manuel was long awaited. «Breaking the Elephant’s Legs» is a very
special concert and the world premiere of his brand-new extended songs.
Behrens appears in best company: local mystics Calhau!
diamonds in a ruby bowl. Pedro Tudela
deejay the hell out of the bar’s dense airwaves, while Joana Machado
golden photograph.
Passos Manuel
Passos Manuel 137, 4000-385 Porto, Portugal.
release date January 30, 2016, available for pre-order now!
«Apparatus» re-released as a digital edition. Originally released on CDR
by ΑΓΧΙΒΑΤΕΙΝ, Greece. Listen and pre-order from Bandcamp.
Marc Behrens
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