Von: Christian Banasik
Datum: Mon, 19 Jun 2017
Betreff: Begegnung 8 – New York City
June 25 / 8 pm
New York City
Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand Street
Christian Banasik – Begegnung 8 (WP)
for piano and electronics (8 channel surround)
(extendet version II – 2017)
with Jocelyn Ho, piano (LA/NYC)
based on original recording of Chopin’s C-sharp minor Nocturne (No. 20),
performed by Karlrobert Kreiten in Dusseldorf in 1934.
A musical dialogue – a memory as a reflection,
directly derived from an example of the artistic legacy.
On the occasion of his 100th birthday.
best regards
christian banasik