Von: CEC jef chippewa
Datum: Wed, 5 Apr 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] 07 Apr | Del otro lado del muro: Musica EA de Canada (JTTP 2016 concert)
Del otro lado del muro: Música electroacústica actual de Canadá
Obras ganadores JTTP 2016 en concierto
Come out to CMMAS (Morelia, Mexico) on 7 April 2017 to meet winners of this year’s Jeu de temps / Times Play and find out what the next generation of Canadian electroacoustic composers and sound artists „sounds like“.
VENUE: CMMAS | Casa de la Cultura, 2do piso
Av. Morelos Norte 485 (Centro Histórico)
Jérémie Ricard — Corrosion des alliages (2016)
Vanessa Massera — Éclats de feux (2016)
Paul Tremblay — Drag (2016)
Samuel Béland — Biodôme (2016)
Myriam Boucher — Nuées (2016) [VIDEOMUSIC]
Through a collaboration between CMMAS (Mexico) and the CEC (Canada), recent works by five young, Canadian electroacoustic composers are featured in concert in Morelia, Mexico. Following up on a collaboration between the two institutions in 2010, the Centro Mexicano para la Música y Artes Sonoras is partnering with the Canadian Electroacoustic Community in April 2017 to present the winning works of the 2016 edition of Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP), an annual project supporting the work of young and emerging composers / sound artists in Canada.
Founded in 2006, CMMAS has established itself as the primary space in Latin American for the creation, reflection and education of contemporary music (instrumental and using technologies). It is a centre for research, experimentation and development of unique, avant-garde sound projects, placing Mexico in a privileged position amongst international sister organizations.
JEU DE TEMPS / TIMES PLAY (JTTP), coordinated by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community since 2000, is an annual project aimed at promoting and celebrating new electroacoustic works by young and/or emerging sound artists/composers from (or living in) Canada.
Thanks to the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and the Canada Council for the Arts for making JTTP 2016 winners‘ and CEC Admin Jef Chippewa’s presence at the CMMAS concert possible!
Del otro lado del muro: Música electroacústica actual de Canadá
07 APRIL – JTTP 2016 in Concert @ CMMAS | Morelia, Mexico
[CALL] eContact! 19.4 Media-Specific Music
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community
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