[ 12. Februar 2017 ]

NEWS – 16.2.2017 Simultankonzert Toronto-Berlin

Von: Thomas Gerwin
Datum: Fri, 10 Feb 2017
Betreff: 16.2.2017 Simultankonzert Toronto-Berlin

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2017 um 20:00 Uhr > Exploratorium Berlin, Mehringdamm 55, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg/
Thursday, Februar 16, 2017 at 4 pm >DisPerSion Lab, Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts, York University, Toronto

S i m u l t a n k o n z e r t i n T o r o n t o u n d B e r l i n
„Deep Listening“ im Rahmen des „Trans-X“-Symposiums Toronto, Canada

By Doug Van Nort, Thomas Gerwin, Sarah Weaver and Glen Hall

This is two performances in two countries that overlap through telematic connections. The performance begins at the Exploratorium Berlin with an improvised set by Thomas Gerwin and guests. That performance will conclude with a transcontinental collaboration that uses the telepresence performance environment available at the DisPersion Lab at York University in Toronto. /In that performance at 4pm/22:00 Uhr Thomas Gerwin will conduct from the Exploratorium Berlin a structured improvisation by the Electro-Acoustic Orchestra (EAO), who will be performing at the DisPerSion Lab in Toronto together with the Berlin musicians./ He composed his new piece “EAOIU” especially for this occasion. It is dedicated to Doug van Nort and EAO. Following that performance the EAO will continue performing other networked pieces in Toronto by guest artist Sarah Weaver, EAO director Doug Van Nort, as well as EAO member and active Toronto improviser Glen Hall. Note the early start time of this performance for Toronto listeners.

Performer in Berlin: Ivo Berg (Blockflöten), Jenny Doell (Tanz), Reinhard Gagel (Akkordeon, Piano, Mini-Moog), Thomas Gerwin (Banjo, Objekte, Elektronik, Ltg.), Dietrich Petzold (Violine, Viola)

FREE /Freier Eintritt (Spende nach eigenem Ermessen)

Broadcast on naisa radio – http://www.naisa.ca/naisa-radio

Eine Veranstaltung von inter art project und NAISA Sound Travel Toronto, Canada in Kooperation mit dem Exploratorium Berlin und dem DisPersionLab Toronto.

More information: http://naisa.ca/festivals/deep-wireless/performances + http://www.thomasgerwin.de

inter art project
KlangWelten ad hoc
Internationales Klangkunstfest Berlin