[ 17. Mai 2017 ]

NEWS – Call for Introducers, Leeds, UK

Von: Coryn Smethurst
Datum: Tue, 16 May 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] Call for Introducers, Leeds, UK

The Sonic Arts Forum will be holding an event in Leeds (UK) on Saturday 15th of July, 2017.

This is an opportunity for creative people, working with sound as a significant element in their practice, to introduce their work and receive feedback in a friendly, and supportive, environment.

Over the past 14 years our events have featured introductions from a wide spectrum of artists, musicians, technologists and noise-makers working with live electronics, field recordings, fixed media, audio vision, installation, algorithmic composition etc in a wide variety of different ways. We are an inclusive group with introducers coming from a range of backgrounds: from postal work to academia, and much inbetween.

If you would like to introduce your work please send a short summary of the work you would like to introduce, and an example stereo file / quicktime file, via wetransfer, or a weblink, to coryncomposer@gmail.com

Deadline 31st of May, 2017.

NB Introducers will need to physically attend in order to introduce.
