[ 1. September 2016 ]

NEWS – Call For Participation: Workshop „Algorithms That Matter“, Impuls 10th Academy 2017, Graz

Von: Hanns Holger Rutz

Datum: Thu, 1 Sep 2016

Betreff: Call For Participation: Workshop „Algorithms That Matter“,

Impuls 10th Academy 2017, Graz

Wir freuen uns, zu unten detailliertem Workshop im Rahmen der

Internationalen Ensemble- und Komponistenakademie 2017 einzuladen.

Bewerbungen für das Spezialprogramm „Algorithms That Matter“ mit David

Pirrò, Hanns Holger Rutz und Agostino Di Scipio müssen bis zum 1.

Oktober eingehen, bitte die genauen Modalitäten beachten und Rückfragen

ggf. rechtzeitig stellen. Da die Slots für KomponistInnen offenbar

bereits voll werden, würden wir raten, nicht bis zum Ende der Deadline

zu warten.

MfG, Hanns Holger Rutz

Call For Participation:

Workshop „ALMAT: Algorithms That Matter“

Impuls, 10th International Ensemble and Composers Academy for

Contemporary Music 2017


with David Pirrò, Hanns Holger Rutz and Agostino Di Scipio

February 11th – 19th, 2017

IEM, Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics,

University of Arts, Graz

Algorithms That Matter (ALMAT) focuses on the experimentation with

algorithms and their embedding in live performances. Rather than

conceiving algorithms as established building blocks („live

electronics“) or the formalisation of a compositional idea

(„algorithmic composition“), we look at them as performing entities

whose consequences are irreducible to models. Algorithms „matter“ in

the sense that matter and meaning cannot be distinguished, they may be

moulded and they may unfold material in an ecosystemic way: Materials

become a new source for transformation.

This workshop seeks to attract computer music practitioners, sound

artists and composers by offering a platform for exchange and

reflection about their personal approaches towards algorithmic

experimentation. The participants are enabled to further develop their

approaches, where special emphasis is given to the reciprocal coupling

of their respective systems. The workshop starts with an internal

presentation of the participants for the other participants and

tutors, followed by an in-depth analysis and discussion of the

different approaches. The rest of the workshop takes a semi-structured

form, open to adaptation to the interests of the participants. Focus

will be on the mutual engagement and the production of connecting

points between systems, using both data and sound links. At the end,

concert slots within the impuls festival are allocated for the

participants to present either existing works or new works developed

during the workshop.

The workshop will be held at the CUBE performance space of the

Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM). The CUBE is

equipped with a 24-channels periphonic loudspeaker setup for advanced

sound spatialisation and an 18-cameras infra-red motion capture system

allowing bodily motion to be used as input for sound synthesis and


The workshop Almat was developed by David Pirrò and Hanns Holger Rutz

(both IEM Graz) and will be realised together with Agostino Di Scipio.


ALMAT is part of the 10th international impuls Academy, taking place

in Graz, Austria, from February 10th to 22nd, 2017. To register and

find out more about impuls and the Academy please visit:


How to apply:

1. You have to register and be accepted as participant of the impuls

Academy 2017 first.

2. Please name your interest in participating in ALMAT already with

your application or by sending an E-Mail to office(at)impuls(dot)cc

(concern: ALMAT).

3. Please send a description of your personal work in relation to the

workshop’s theme stating your previous experiences and describing

employed computational approaches, their aesthetic motivation and

possible ideas for connecting to other systems (up to 500 words) and

a Curriculum Vitae (again 500 words maximum). Please send both parts

__to office(at)impuls(dot)cc until October 1st, 2016__ at the latest.

4. The selection of participants will be announced by beginning of

November 2016.

5. If selected please make sure you bring along your own computer,

software, controllers and audio interfaces.

6. Please be aware that the participation at ALMAT requires a

daily presence and is to be considered as one of the very intense

special programs. This implies that ALMAT participants will not be

granted the same amount of individual lessons with other tutors as

regular participants.