[ 25. September 2016 ]

NEWS – call for works

Von: info campo via cec conference

Datum: Thu, 22 Sep 2016

Betreff: [cec-c] call for works

Undae! radio change its format. From 10th of octuber Undae! will be

podcast every two weeks. Each month we will dedicate a program to a

different theme. you can send your work within the following deadlines:

Politics and disruptive agents (deadline 30th of october 2016)

Madness and alienation (deadline 30th of november 2016)

Literature and poetry (deadline 30th of dicember 2016)

Filosophy (deadline 30th of january 2017)

inventors of instruments (deadline 25th of february 2017)

Sacred (religious or mystical) (deadline 30th of march 2017)

Electracoustic music from Africa (deadline 30th of april 2017)

Mixt music (deadline 30th of may 2017)

Science (deadline 30th of june 2017)

Send a zip file via wetransfer, including the work (aiff or wav) a bio

and a presentation of the work. The name of the zip file must be:


email: undaeradio@gmail.com