[ 15. November 2017 ]

NEWS – Deadline Extension!! Score Call for TENOR conference 2018 !

Von: Sandeep Bhagwati
Datum: Tue, 14 Nov 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] Deadline Extension!! Score Call for TENOR conference 2018 !

Please forward to your networks ! Also: Please keep the TENOR 2018 Call for Papers in mind (deadline also Dec 15, 2017) !


TENOR 2018
4th International Conference on Technologies of Notation and Representation
Call for Musical Works using Situative Scores

(Deadline: old: November 15, 2017 new:December 15, 2017)

In addition to papers, TENOR 2018 also calls for musical works using animated, reactive, interactive or other situative and technology-based scores, to be read or workshopped during the conference. Several Montréal ensembles and soloists have expressed their interest in exploring such scores. In addition, TENOR 2018 will comprise a performers‘ workshop from May 22-26 where participants will study and learn selected situative scores and perform them at an outcome concert.

Composers whose score is selected for one of the reading sessions are expected to attend the conference and workshop their score with the musicians. Composers whose score is selected for the young performer’s workshop, if present, will be asked to conduct a rehearsal session of their score. If selected, a limited amount of travel support may be made available (only for free-lance composers).

Submission guidelines:

Scores can be old or new, but they must be presented

in a .pdf with screenshots and a detailed explanation of their artistic and technological paradigms, their approach to musical praxis and – very important – their technological implementation, including personnel needs and qualifications.

This .pdf should also include a max. 250 word artist bio of the author(s)/composer(s).

This .pdf should also include a link to a max. 5 min youtube/vimeo video that demonstrates the score in action. All submitted videos will be shown as a permanent video roll in a public space during the conference.

Scores will be selected by the performers and by the local selection committee that runs the Tenor Performers Workshop. Being selected does not imply a guarantee for actual performance, as technical or organizational difficulties might prevent a planned performance. But every effort will be made to perform all selected scores.

Send all score submissions (one single PDF only) as an attachment (maximum 20MB) to the following e-mail address:tenor2018scores@tenor-conference.org.

Your e-mail should ALWAYS have the following subject line:

„TENOR 2018 Score Submission [Your last name(s)]“.

In the body of your e-mail, please supply the following information in precisely this order:

Name(s) and e-mail address(es) of author(s)
Location(s) and affiliation(s)
Name of your work
Your comments