[ 11. November 2014 ]

NEWS – EAnalysis: Sound Based Music Analysis

Subject: EAnalysis: Sound Based Music Analysis
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014
From: Pierre Couprie


I published an update of EAnalysis. EAnalysis was developed for the
analysis of electroacoustic music, non-writing music or any audio-visual
file. It creates morphological transcripts or complex analytical
This software only works on Macintosh OS10.7 or later and is free to

Download: http://eanalysis.pierrecouprie.fr
(or updated with the menu EAnalysis > Check for updates …)

This update contains many new features:
– Compatibility with the new Mac OSX.10 system (Yosemite)
– Reorganization of temporal views to integrate different forms of
sonograms and graphics from external data
– background of time views can now contain:
– A simple colored background or an image
– A waveform
– A linear or a logarithmic sonogram
– A multisonogramme (superposition of sonograms) to visualize
differences between channels
– A differential sonogram -> see:
(French only)
– A similarity matrix calculated from the linear sonogram image
– Use LibXtract Vamp plug-ins to compute audio descriptors (requires
installation of LibXtract: http://www.vamp-plugins.org/download.html)
– Data from other software or LibXtract plug-in can now be viewed as:
– Single or multiple graphs
– Complex graphs (BStD) ->

(French only)
– Clouds of points graph (simple, superposed, or grid)
– Graph of hierarchical correlation -> see:
– Similarity matrix and self-similarity matrix
– Use SuperVP to compute audio filters from annotations (requires
installation of SuperVP or Audiosculpt:

Best wishes,

Pierre Couprie

Pierre Couprie
Associate professor
School of Education, Paris-Sorbonne University
Institut de recherche en musicologie (UMR 8223 CNRS)