[ 13. November 2017 ]

NEWS – eContact! 19.2 – Light+Sound / Lumiere+son (online)

Von: CEC jef chippewa
Datum: Thu, 2 Nov 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] eContact! 19.2 – Light+Sound / Lumiere+son (online)

PRESS RELEASE — for immediate diffusion / pour diffusion immédiate
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Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
(CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community

eContact! 19.2
Light+Sound / Lumière+son
Guest Editor / Rédacteur invité : Nicolas Bernier

[EN] Sound artists have always maintained a strong relation with the visual. This issue of eContact! is more specifically interested in the creative use of sound and light. Historical and analytical reflections are complemented by contributions that bring „to light“ different artistic perspectives and practices. (October 2017)

[FR] Les artistes du son entretiennent depuis toujours une relation forte avec le travail visuel. Ce numéro s’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux liens entre la création sonore et la lumière. Des pistes de réflexion historiques et analytiques sont complémentées par des contributions qui mettent «en lumière» différentes perspectives et pratiques artistiques. (octobre 2017)


par Nicolas Bernier


On Light Music Before Cinema
by Patrick Saint-Denis

Shades of Synchresis: A Proposed framework for the classification of audiovisual relations in sound-and-light media installations
by Adam Basanta

Lumia and Visual Music: Using Thomas Wilfred’s Lumia factors to inform audiovisual composition
by Dave Payling


Lumière, matière, science, fiction : réflexions sur la relation son et lumière dans le cycle d’¦uvres «frequencies»
by Nicolas Bernier

The Light Bulb in My Music
by Michael Vorfeld
Strobes, Mirrors, Fog and Site-Specific Experiences: Interview with German composer Alexander Schubert
by Nicolas Bernier

Audio-Visceral Art: Sound waves and light waves in phase
by Mo H. Zareei and Jim Murphy

(I)MAGESOUND(S): Expanded audiovisual practice
by Andrew Hill and Jim Hobbs
„Cor + Som“: Filling an Alentejo castle with colour and sound
by Scott Sherk


Transductions: Transforming light into sound
by Charlotte Parallel

Dead Lion, or, The Musical Oscilloscope: A Diegetic approach to synthesis and feedback
by Daniel Fishkin

Vector Synthesis: An investigation into sound-modulated light
by Derek Holzer



condemned_bulbes (2002), de Alexandre Burton, Jimmy Lakatos et Julien Roy, for 64 1000W incandescent light bulbs, custom dimmers and computer
by Alexandre Burton
Music for Lamps (2012-16), for 3 laptop performers, 12 lamps and 14.1-channel sound
by Adam Basanta, Julian Stein and Max Stein

Vertex (2013-15), a collaboration of Patrick Saint-Denis and Jean Piché
robotic installation
by Patrick Saint-Denis

Soft Revolvers (2014), audiovisual performance for 4 spinning tops equipped with sensors
by Myriam Bleau
Boîte noire (2015), for 2 transparent boxes, smoke machine and projector
by Martin Messier
Haptic Field (2016-17), a multisensory installation
by Christopher Salter
new eyes – for [single] player (2017), for 2 projectors, HUD, haze/smoke, Xbox/PS4 controller and 1 performer
by Remy Siu

[NEW] eContact! 19.2 — Light+Sound | Guest Editor: Nicolas Bernier
Michael Vorfeld, Myriam Bleau, Adam Basanta, Andrew Hill/Jim Hobbs, Derek Holzer, Charlotte Parallel…

Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community
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