[ 5. Mai 2017 ]

NEWS – „Espace du Son“ Competition, DL 08/06/17

Von: Musiques & Recherches via cec conference
Datum: Wed, 3 May 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] „Espace du Son“ Competition, DL 08/06/17


For the performance of acousmatic works

(EN version – FR version prevails in case of discrepancies)


The pre-recorded work composed in studio, projected on loudspeakers in concert, without intervention of live sound sources.

The spatialised performance of acousmatic pieces consists in directing sounds on multiple loudspeakers spread across the concert room. The Musiques & Recherches acousmonium has 76 loudspeakers and an analogic console that allows 44 paths of spatial projections. The performance competition is „manual“, i.e. without computer-based systems memorising spatial configurations. The performer is operating the console during the competition. His/her physical presence during the performance is therefore required.

The competition is open to the public. It will take place at the Théatre Marni in Brussels during the 24th international acousmatic festival „L’Espace du Son“, which will take place from the 8th to the 12th of November, 2017.

Registrations and other documents requested in the Competition Regulations must be sent by email to Musiques & Recherches at concours@musiques-recherches.be by June 8, 2017, 09:00 am (Brussels time) at the latest. There are no registration fees. The competition is open to anyyone under the age of 55 in 2017.

Each of the 8 participants selected for the finals will perform four stereo works, including: a work imposed by the jury, a work of his/her choice (personal compositions are not allowed), two works drawn from an 8-work list from the acousmatic repertoire proposed to the participant after his/her registration. These two works will be drawn one day before his/her performance

The maximal duration of each work is 10 minutes. The prizes will be awarded at the end of the festival.