[ 15. September 2016 ]

NEWS – Evaluating urban sound environment in web-based virtual reality

Von: Kevin Austin via cec conference

Datum: Thu, 15 Sep 2016

Betreff: [cec-c] Fwd: Evaluating urban sound environment in web-based

virtual reality

Based on the EU funded SONORUS (Urban Sound Planner) project, a

web-based virtual reality tool for evaluation of urban sound

environment was developed, Researchers from Second University of

Naples are now inviting people to try it and give them feedback.

The test will take around 15 minutes. You will need a pair of

headphones or earphones for this test, and it would be better to do

the test in a relatively quiet place. If you are interested, you can

click the links below to start the test. There are two versions available:

Higher-quality version (recommended):



– You should open the link and do the test on a computer rather than

a smart phone or a tablet.

– This version is currently not supported by Chrome, other popular

browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera) should work.

– If you don’t usually play web games, you may be asked to install a

small plug-in called Unity Web Player (size: 12 MB) upon clicking the

link. You can always remove the plug-in afterwards in the way you

uninstall normal applications (e.g., in Control Panel for Windows).

– Depending on the speed of your internet connection, it may take a

few seconds or a few minutes to load the page (usually less than 1


– Depending on the size of your screen, you may need to scroll up and

down the web page a bit to see all the displayed information. _So if

you feel you miss something during the test, for example, not

receiving instruction of next task, make sure you scroll up or down to

reach the top or bottom of the page._

Easier-access version:



– You should open the link and do the test on a computer rather than

a smart phone or a tablet.

– Internet Explorer is not supported for this application. We suggest

Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

– Depending on the speed of your internet connection, it may take a

few seconds or a few minutes to load the page (usually less than 1


– Depending on the size of your screen, you may need to scroll up and

down the web page a bit to see all the displayed information. _So if

you feel you miss something during the test, for example, not

receiving instruction of next task, make sure you scroll up or down to

reach the top or bottom of the page._

If you have any questions regarding this test or the tested

application, please feel free to contact: esrsix6@gmail.com


Like Jiang

PhD, BEng

Marie Curie Researcher

Department of Architecture and Industrial Design

Second University of Naples