[ 2. September 2014 ]

NEWS – International Sound Art Festival Berlin 2014 – Call for works RESULT

Subject: International Sound Art Festival Berlin 2014 – Call for works
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014
From: Thomas Gerwin

11th International Sound Art Festival Berlin
September 17th to October 2nd, 2014
Concerts + Interactive Sound Art Exhibition + Symposium + Soundwalks +
Guided Exhibition Tour

Call for fixed media audio works

N E W S ! ! :

We received more than 50 pieces of very high quality and with a broad
range of different styles and approaches. So it was quite difficult to
select only one piece that fits best into this year’s opening concert.
But here it is:

The winning piece for International Sound Art Festival 2014 is
„Growing Verse“(2012) from Japanese composer Junya Oikawa.

Nota bene: Due to the amount of exciting submissions we now plan another
concert in spring 2015 to present at least some of these interesting
works. Then we will put no limit to pure electroacoustic music but also
present other formats. For this occasion we again have the submitted
works on the list for possible consideration. We’ll announce that right
in time. Stay tuned!

11. Internationales Klangkunstfest Berlin />hören::multisensorial