Von: Andrew Hill
Datum: Fri, 22 Sep 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] Multichannel Compositions for Class Listening
Dear colleagues,
This academic year I am launching a new degree course/module titled Sound in Space.
I am writing to ask if people would share their own multichannel compositions for my students to listen to and experience at these sessions. I want to provide them with the opportunity to listen to a wide range of spatial sound aesthetics and techniques and would be delighted if you were willing to share your work with them.
Materials would be held locally (i.e. On a hard drive) and all composers would be credited / clearly cited (I am sure that students will be curious to hunt out more of your work).
Our listening environment allows us to playback up to 8channel compositions at the moment. But I am also keen for students to observe the range and diversity of multichannel configurations that are used so am happy to receive compositions with lower or higher channel counts (I shall use any received with higher channel counts to petition my boss for more loudspeakers!)
If you are interested, please send audio files with programme notes and performance / technical instructions via an online transfer platform to a [dot] hill [at] gre [dot] ac [dot] uk
I will be delighted to receive your works and look forward to sharing them with my students.
Thank you all,
Dr. Andrew Hill
Lecturer in Sound Design and Music Technology,
Creative Professions and Digital Arts,
University of Greenwich,
London, SE10 9LS.
Piece for String Quartet + electronics and video – 2 Updates
Piece for String Quartet + electronics and video
Matthew Whiteside
Hello list,
I’m looking for pieces for string quartet + electronics/tape ideally including video (though the video is optional) for a concert I’m programming. The piece also needs to have a …more
Matthew Whiteside
Hello again everyone,
If you are sending me a piece could you explain how it is linked to a scientific idea or concept please.
I’m not just looking for pieces that are sting quartet