Von: Kevin Austin via cec conference
Datum: Thu, 18 May 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] Online survey on musical timbre perception
The Audio Communication Group (Technical University of Berlin) are investigating the perception of musical timbre.
We are currently looking for experienced performers of the violin, clarinet, piano, or classical guitar to complete a very short online survey. They must be native English speakers.
Please consider taking a moment to forward the survey link to potential participants.
Warm regards,
Charalampos Saitis
Dr. Charalampos Saitis
Humboldt Research Fellow / Humboldt-Forschungsstipendiat
Audio Communication Group / Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation
Berlin Institute of Technology / Technische Universität Berlin
Research Collaborator, Sound of Vision
ISI Foundation / Fondazione ISI