Von: Marc Voigt
Datum: Wed, 8 Mar 2017
Betreff: [ak-events] Fwd: open call – Performances/Kompositionen zum Thema „Sonifikaton – Klingende Datenströme“ – Deadline 1.4.17
Open call for performances, compositions in the context of Sonification (extendet)
For the Festival “Sonification – Audible Data Streams” 27 – 29th October 2017 by the Berlin Society of New Music.
Selected works will be premiered at the festival in Berlin (Villa Elizabeth).
•For percussion/objects, with or without live electronics.
•Live electronic equipment with maximum of 8 loudspeakers.
•For the implementation of the concept, in terms of the sonification of data, an early support is offered through the Kairos Quartet.
•No age limitations
•Duration: cross-genre formats between concert and installation allowed (max. 30 min).
•A total of 3.600,– € is available for the selected pieces, for selected pieces/concepts as follows:
A)Preexisting and premiered pieces will be supported with a subsidy for composer’s travel and hotel costs.
B)In addition, available scores which are left to be premiered are supported with a smaller amount.
C)Commissioned works, based on selected concepts, will be rewarded with a larger amount, depending on effort involved.
Required Documents
•Not only scores, but also concepts may be submitted. Concepts should be informative with regard to how the data will be handled and sonified, as well as the technical realization. handling of the data to be sonicated and the technical realization. They can include a patch in MAX / MSP, PD or Supercollider, for example, to provide sonification in real-time with visualizations for musicians or a computer-generated playback. They may not exceed a reasonable technical effort for realization.
•In the case of scores which are not yet available, further work plans should be provided, which allow conclusions to be drawn about the process and expected result
•Scores and concepts must be based in a recognizable way on the interpretation of data sets and their representation in musical parameters.
•Artist biography
Final Submission is April 1, 2017.
•Please submit all documents 3 times. A submission by email is possible.
c/o Markus Bongartz
Treskowstr. 47
13156 Berlin
Please direct inquiries by email to mb47[at]gmx.net
The Festival is sponsored by funds from the Capital City Culture Fund of Berlin
Festival “Sonification – Audible Data Streams”
27-29th October, 2017 at Villa Elisabeth, Invalidenstr. 4a, 10115 Berlin
In cooperation with Academy of the Arts’ „Contacts“ series; electronic studio, TU Berlin; website http://www.Sonifyer.org and German Radio Culture – program series Sonarisations
Sonification is a topic at that intersects science and art. The word sonification derives from lat. „sonus“ meaning „sound“, and „-fication“, lat.“facere“ meaning „to make“: in other words, „to make into sound“. It refers to procedures of making data audible. Historically, its roots go back to the pre-Socratic period. Pythagoras, who used acoustic experiments on the monochord to demonstrate mathematical relationships, is part of a tradition of researching by ear.
These days, it’s technically easy to sonify non-musical processes, such as ocean currents or stock market activity, as a means of artistically using scientific data. For this, it’s often necessary to have artists and scientists working cooperatively in a team. What can music do with the new potentials offered by science? What distinguishes sonification concepts which harken back to traditional means of sonifying, in the sense of instrumental, vocal and object based music? How can one measure aesthetic content. and what makes a work an artefact?
The creative use of data by composers, sound artists and performers – their codes and diverse mapping parameters for deciphering data on the way to the ear (codes and mappings which are often kept hidden from listeners) raise many new questions.: questions of production and reception aesthetics, media politics, cultural history and even philosophy.
The festival aims to present a diverse array of contemporary strategies of sonification. A radio program with presentations from the program series Sonarisations by German Radio, the premier of commissioned compositions, concerts, lecture-performances, symposium and interactive sound installation, as well as a soundbar, offer visitors a wide, genre-crossing spectrum of concrete examples from the current sonification-scene.
The festival program will be published here soon.
supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds