[ 14. Juli 2016 ]

NEWS – Six pieces of music of hitmachine with ACOUSTIC FRONTIERS in Ottawa, Canada

Von: Peter Wiessenthaner

Datum: Thu, 14 Jul 2016

Betreff: Six pieces of music of hitmachine with ACOUSTIC FRONTIERS in

Ottawa, Canada


A broadcasting of 6 variations of HITMACHINE was agreed with Ralph

Hopper of the radio transmission ACOUSTIC FRAONTIERS in Ottawa, Kananda.

They are sent during the next 6 months. Every variation is from to the

single sounds and sound combinations, as well as from the form

differently. Every piece is generated from hitmachine without external

intervention, only the varied pre-settings lead to the different

results. hitmachine works independently and with a high variability.

Every piece is approx. 20 minutes long.

First broadcasting: 25th of July, 2016 – 45north band.

Peter Wießenthaner

Rohmerstraße 6

60486 Frankfurt

Telefon: ++49 (0) 69 / 77 66 36

Mobil: ++49 (0) 177 / 7 384 324

E-Mail: peter@wiessenthaner.de

Internet: http://www.wiessenthaner.de