[ 21. September 2011 ]

ONLINE – visualization of textural sounds

Von: Thomas Grill
Datum: 20. September 2011 11:57:59 MESZ
Betreff: online survey: visualization of textural sounds

Dear all,
i’d like to invite you to take part in a new study for the
visualization of textural sounds, part of a research project at the
Austrian Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI).


The goal is to design musical interfaces to intuitively browse large
collections of textural sounds. Its theoretical foundation lies in
multi-model interaction, which exploits interrelations between the
different human senses.
It takes only a couple of minutes (typically 5 minutes for 30 sounds,
15 minutes for all 100).
I’ll present some results at the DAFx satellite workshop „Versatile
Sound Models for Interaction in Audio-Graphic Virtual Environments“ on

The online form is based on HTML5, it should work properly on Firefox,
Chrome or Safari web browsers. IE9 might work, but is untested.

Thanks for your participation!
all the best,

PS. If something looks strange or doesn’t work for you, please drop me
a line

Thomas Grill
