[ 16. Juli 2012 ]

PARIS – job offer at Ircam

From: Diemo Schwarz
Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 6:50 AM

Job offer: Software developer in interactive sound analysis/synthesis

Four months full time position from September 2012

The Institute

IRCAM is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to musical production, R&D and education in acoustics and music. The organization is located in the center of Paris (France), next to the Pompidou Center. It hosts composers, researchers and students from many countries cooperating in contemporary music production, scientific and applied research. The main topics addressed in its R&D department are audio synthesis and processing, real-time systems, musical interfaces, acoustics, psychoacoustics, computer aided composition, Detailed activities of IRCAM and its groups are presented on http://www.ircam.fr/recherche.html?L=1

The Topophonie project

The research project Topophonie is about navigation in virtual interactive 3D scenes composed of sounding or audio- graphic objects. The aim of the project is to design and develop navigable audio-graphic models, interfaces, and renderers of masses of animated and spatialised granular objects. The applications concern interactive cartography, virtual interactive universes like video games or installations, and special effects for audio-visual production.

Ircam’s role in the Topophonie project

The real-time music interaction team (IMTR) works within the Topophonie project on principles and methods for granular and corpus-based audio synthesis, applied, amongst others, to environmental sound texture synthesis with high-level control by the mapping of phenomenological parameters to sound descriptors.


The missions are centered around IMTR’s cutting edge granular and corpus-based synthesis engine:

– integration and extension of existing audio descriptor analysis libraries with the audio engine
– optimization and extension of tree-based multi-dimensional search algorithms
– integration and extension of the audio engine in a 3D game development environment

Required Experience

– very good knowledge of C/C++ programming
– tree-based indexing and search data structures
– good knowledge in audio signal processing (sound spectral analysis, sound descriptors)
– good knowledge of linear algebra and matrix processing
– possibly experience with Unity3D or a comparable game engine
– high productivity, autonomy, solid working methods, excellent programming style, excellent communication skills


Commensurate with background and experience.

To Apply

Send your resume with qualifications and pertinent information by email to: schwarz@ircam.fr, schnell@ircam.fr, bevilacqua@ircam.fr.

Diemo Schwarz, PhD — http://diemo.concatenative.net
Real-Time Music Interaction Team — http://imtr.ircam.fr
IRCAM – Centre Pompidou — 1, place Igor-Stravinsky, 75004 Paris, France
Phone +33-1-4478-4879 — Fax +33-1-4478-1540
