Von: elsajustel
Datum: 11. August 2012 01:41:03 MESZ
The Foundation Destellos is pleased to announce the results of the Fifth International Competition of Electroacoustic Composition and Visual-music.
The First Prize was given to „Aporie“ by Christian Helm
A Second Prize attributed by Motus organization (France) to „Fragments“ by Corbeil Perron.
A Second Prize in ex-æquo to „Bol Hydre“ by Gilles Gobeil and „Outspread“ by Visa Kuoppala, given by the Foundation Phonos (Spain) and
Musiques et Recherches (Belgium).
Three honorary Mentions were granted to :
„Saxophonique“ by Govaere Stijn, „Empachado“ by Simón Pérez and „Tape“ by Guillaume Cliché.
Were Nominated by the Grand Jury the works :
„Aukera“ by Bjarni Gunnarsson, „The sun warms the memory“ by Sam Salem, „Nomos Delta“ by Dan Tramte, „Elektronie“ by Griselda Labbate, „MintCascade“ by Andrew Dolphin, „Pastorale“ by Karathanasis, „patha“ by Diego Garro (video música), „Irama“ by Felipe Otondo, „Noche castellana“ by Adolfo Núñez, „Still i“ by Ben Thigpen, „Inert“ by Roeland Luyten, „To foglets“ by David Arango Valencia
The members of the jury were:
Trevor Wishart (UK), Luigi Ceccarelli (it), Elizabeth Hoffman (UE), Luis Naon (AR-fr), José Manuel Berenguer (Spain), Eric Broitman and Vincent Laubeuf (Motus-France).
This year the high level of works has made difficult the task of the jury. Otherwise, the visual music pieces presented sparse interest so there were not distinctions in that category.
There were 130 works entered by 25 different countries. Have been selected :
„Switched on“ by Manuella Blackburn, „Sueño lúcido“ by Ricardo De Armas, „Granatum“ by Nicos Stavropoulos, „Perspectives en tours“ by Cirille Arndt, „Vertiges de l’image dos anjos“ by Antonio Sousa Días (video música), „Trozos para el fin de lo mismo“ by Federico Barabino, „Concrete GuildV1“ by Claudio Eiriz, „Zorn“ by Sebastian Peter, „How you know“ by Marco Liuni, „Monde Océan“ by Christophe Boissiere, „Un dia común“ by Nicolás Yozia, „Silica“ by Jake Rundall, „Matière contre vide“ by Emilie Payeur, „El asadito“ by Franco Pellini, „Primtemps 2011“ by Gabriel Poulard, „Un ave cae“ by Gonzalo Macias – (video música), „Like radio“ by Robert Normandeau, „Si loin cet horizon“ by Pierre-Axel Izérable, „Etude Hyperñodernisste“ by Guillaume Cot, „Invitation à prendre le temps“ by Rafael Muñoz Gómez , „(8-8)“ by García Berardi (video música) ,“Le point où la voix tournoie“ by Marie-Claire Bernard.
The competition, created by initiative of Dr. Elsa Justel, has as main objectives to stimulate creators and promote one of the most representative musical expressions of our time. Along the last five years, it has gained support from numerous international institutions, whose main collaboration is to publicize the winning works through concerts, festivals and radio broadcasts. Between them : Festival Futura (Francia(, Concerts Phonos (España), Festival Zeppelin (Orquesta del Caos, Barcelona), Instituto ORT (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and broadcastings: Café Sonore (VPRO, Sweden), RadioCentraal (Anvers, Belgium), France musique (France), Radio Beethoven (Sgo. de Chile).
Since its inauguration, in 2007, the jurors were eminent professionals from around the world contributing to the aesthetic diversity, encouraging and motivating the interest of the creators of the various tendencies. Through these activities, the Foundation Destellos join its mission to develop the creative energy in the convergence of art and technology, creating a universal commitment aimed to the cultural growth of community.
The Foundation appreciates the generous collaboration of jurors, and of all persons and institutions that work together to accomplish this project and also thanks all participants for their interest in the contest.