[ 11. Dezember 2012 ]

RADIO – Acoustic Frontiers playlist November 2012

Von: ralph hopper
Betreff: Acoustic Frontiers playlist Nov 2012
Datum: 7. Dezember 2012 16:48:47 MEZ

Acoustic Frontiers playlist

Airing on CKCU-FM (ckcufm.com for live streaming), 93.1, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 12:30 to 14:00 eastern time zone, each Monday, each program archived for one month from air date
Host/producer – Ralph Hopper
Email: ralph.hopper@rogers.com
Composers with new EA/computer music compositions are always welcome [and encouraged] to send a copy for airplay. Please contact me for mailing instructions

Nov 2012
David Arango Valencia – JTTP 2012 – To Foglets
Adam Basanta – JTTP 2012 – Three Myths of Liberalism
Guillaume Cliche – JTTP 2012 – Tape
Matthew Schoen – JTTP 2012 – Release
Jullian Hoff – JTTP 2012 – Chants migratoires –
Francis Dhomont – Jalons – Droles d’Oiseaux
Frank Niehusmann/Clemens von Reusner – RAL 2011 – Bonds Swapping
Clemens von Reusner – RAL 2011 – BRNK
Frank Niehusmann/Clemens von Reusner – RAL 2011 – Bugs and bunnies in the reaper
Ali Nader Esfahani – sonus.ca – The Enchanted Trees
Mori Zuiten – sonus.ca – Respreii
John Oliver – Time is Dust – Over the Edge
Nikos Stavropoulos – soundcloud.com – Atropos
Robert Normandeau – Tangram – Bursts of Voices
Nikolaus Heyduck – Replace – Schwarm
Sam Auinger – Replace – Rheinharfe
Dean Rosenthal – self – Ear Trainer
David Hirst – soundcloud.com – Three Studies for Bowl and Computer
Josh Goldman – self – Hexagonal
Cybernetic orchestra – esp.beat – Programme reduit
Cybernetic orchestra – esp.beat – Underneath
Cybernetic orchestra – esp.beat – Revolution
Paul Dolden – Intoxication by Speed – Physics of Seduction, Invocation #3
Trevor Wishart – Cultures electroniques 19/2006 – Red Bird
Gary Kulesha/Beverley Johnston – Alternate Currents – Toccata for percussion and tape
Jordan Neufeld – sounus.ca – Cymbalize
Larry Lake – musiccentre.ca – Israfel

Acoustic Frontiers, each Monday at 12.30pm [eastern] at 93.1 fm in Ottawa or http://www.ckcufm.com/ for live streaming and archived programs
My reality TV is BNN
