Subject: Acoustic Frontiers playlist November 2014
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014
From: ralph hopper
Acoustic Frontiers playlist
Airing on CKCU-FM
( for live streaming),
93.1, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
– for playlist go to:
12:30 to 14:00 eastern time zone, each Monday
Host/producer – Ralph Hopper
Email: ralph.hopper(at)
Composers with new EA/computer music compositions are always welcome
[and encouraged] to provide a copy for airplay. Please contact me for
I would like to thank those of you who very generously contributed to
the CKCU funding drive on behalf of Acoustic Frontiers. Your show of
support for the program was wonderful.
November 2014
Line Katcho JTTP 2014 Aiguillage
Pierre-Luc Lecours JTTP 2014 Impacts discrets
Guillaume Cote JTTP 2014 La gerçure des alentours
Fernando Alexis Franco Murillo JTTP 2014 Qualia
Sébastien Lavoie JTTP 2014 Summer, The Third of the 4 Seasons
Guillaume Barrette JTTP 2014 Resurgence
Xelo Giner/Andres Lewin-Richter Saxophone/Electronica
Secuencia XVI
Elainie Lillios Entre Espaces Backroads
Christophe Ruetsch Soundcloud Point de Fuite
Joo Won Park Soundcloud Eyelid Spasm
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay La maree Un clou, son
marteau, et le béton
William Young JTTP 2014 Endangered Landscape
Ragnar Grippe self La Chambre d’un Reve
Kevin Austin Sonus Waves and Tides of Time
David Keane CMC Labyrinth
Valerie Delaney Soundcloud La caverne aquatique
Jin yang Soundcloud Ascension with Tibetan
Singing Bowls
Jin yang Soundcloud Dreamcatcher
Julian Elvira/Jep Nuix Flute/electronics
Julian Elvira/Gabriel Brncic Flute/electronics Clarinen tres
Juan Vasquez Collages Collages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Maren Elliott JTTP 2014 Playtime with Old Hag
Nicolas Arnaez JTTP 2014 Electrofuga
Craig Aalders JTTP 2014 Falling Leaves
Acoustic Frontiers, each Monday at 12.30pm [eastern] at 93.1 fm in
Ottawa or for live streaming and archived programs Also
co-hosting the jazz program Swing Is In The Air, Sundays at 4pm
My reality TV is BNN