[ 18. März 2013 ]

RELEASE – Eins + Mark Lorenz Kysela on Gruenrekorder

Von: Gruenrekorder
Datum: 16. März 2013 12:48:16 MEZ
Betreff: Gruenrekorder Newsletter

V.A.: “Eins +” (Gruen 120/13)
Sound Art
6 Tracks (70′18″)
CD (500 copies)

Eins +
Mark Lorenz Kysela, Saxophones and Clarinet
An artist on various saxophones and clarinet. Performs as a soloist, in combination with (live-) electronic or analogue enhancements and tapes. Mark Lorenz Kysela presents six completely different pieces by Ogiermann, Stiegler, Schuettler, Maierhof, Lucier and Rasch: artistic individual positions focusing on the radical nature of musical language, on shaping and on the soloist.

Am Hauptbahnhof 4
Frankfurt am Main 60329

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