[ 30. März 2014 ]

RESIDENCY – BGSU: KEAR 2014-15 Residency Call

From: Elainie Lillios
Date: Sun, Mar 2, 2014
Subject: BGSU: KEAR 2014-15 Residency Call

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2014-15 KEAR Two-Week Electroacoustic
Composer/Researcher Residency at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Midnight (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) on Sunday
06 April 2014

AWARD: Travel funding, housing, and stipend

View application criteria: http://tinyurl.com/p2xz4wb
Review application questions: http://tinyurl.com/owykmyo
Complete your application here: http://tinyurl.com/l8o3xfl

KEAR Residency page: http://tinyurl.com/lpj9l63
STUDIO FACILITY INFORMATION: http://tinyurl.com/nx5hd86

BGSUElectroacoustics welcomes applications for its second annual
Klingler Electroacoustic Residency (KEAR) program. We seek a dynamic,
innovative composer, researcher, or practitioner with a project
requiring the use of our surround studio facilities. One composer will
be selected each academic semester (fall and spring) to visit for two
weeks to work on a composition and/or research project employing
multi-channel spatialization (up to 10.2), first order Ambisonics,
and/or controller-driven live performance.

Visit websites above for complete information.

Elainie Lillios, DMA
Professor of Composition
Coordinator of Music Technology