[ 10. August 2014 ]

RUNDFUNK – Acoustic Frontiers playlist July 2014

Subject: Acoustic Frontiers playlist July 2014
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2014
From: ralph hopper

Acoustic Frontiers playlist
Airing on CKCU-FM (www.ckcufm.com for live
streaming), 93.1, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – for playlist go to:
12:30 to 14:00 eastern time zone, each Monday
Host/producer – Ralph Hopper

Composers with new EA/computer music compositions are always welcome
[and encouraged] to provide a copy for airplay. Please contact me for

*July 2014*
Celebrating 8 years broadcasting Acoustic Frontiers on CKCU
Kevin Austin Presence Static Gestures
Wende Bartley Openwork Icebreak
Bruno Degazio/Sound Pressure Pressure Points Digital Rituals
Paul Lansky/Hannah Mackay Fantasies and Tableaux Six Fantasies on a
poem by Thomas Campion
Roderik De Man Cultures Electroniques 18/2005 Invisible Chords
Andrew Staniland SonusDespite Bright Ideas
Andrew Staniland Sonus For Violin #3
Dominic Thibault Soundcloud Enfant Robot au cœur fondant
John Kamevaar Moment to Moment Moment to Moment
Clemens von Reusner self rooms without walls
David Berezan Allusions Sonores Galungan
David Berezan Allusions Sonores Nijo
Ragnar Grippe self Le Poete
Wilfried Jentzsch self Dream of B
Sergio Pirozzi Beyond Boundaries Infinite Jest
Oyvind Brandtsegg Beyond Boundaries Feedback piece
Jonathan Elliott Soundcloud CHRCH
Serge Arcuri music centre Migrations
Gilles Fresnais self Vox aeternam
Mathew Adkins Fragmented Visions Melt

Acoustic Frontiers, each Monday at 12.30pm [eastern] at 93.1 fm in
Ottawa or http://www.ckcufm.com for live streaming and archived programs Also
co-hosting the jazz program Swing Is In The Air, Sundays at 4pm
My reality TV is BNN