Subject: Acoustic Frontiers playlist May 2015
From: ralph hopper
Acoustic Frontiers playlist
Airing on CKCU-FM (
streaming), 93.1, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – for playlist go to:
12:30 to 14:00 eastern time zone, each Monday
Host/producer – Ralph Hopper
Email: ralph(dot)hopper(at)rogers(dot)com
Composers with new EA/computer music compositions are always welcome
[and encouraged] to provide a copy for airplay. Please contact me for
May 2015
Mathew Adkins Fragmented Visions Deepfield
Ellen Moffatt self pickupputdown
Allison Cameron self music galleries
Repeat, Repeat Offender self Phase
Repeat, Repeat Offender self Chris
Sundar Subramanian Soundcloud Broken Refraction
Christos Hatzis/Joseph Petric Elektrologos Orbiting Garden
Michael Rhoades Enigma Enigma
Gunther Rabl Absolute Musik STYX Teil 2
Adam Stansbie self one times one
Sergey Akhunov Birdwatching
Elizabeth Anderson Chat Noir
Jorge Antunes self Ballade Dure
Jennifer Balabanov Smashing
Jean-Francois Denis Electro Clips Point-virgule
John Oswald Electro Clips Bell Speeds
Yves Daoust Electro Clips Mi bemol
Stephane Roy Electro Clips Resonance d’arabesques
Bruno Degazio Electro Clips Humoresque 901534
Adrian Moore Contretemps Surface
James Surgenor Soundcloud Invia
Carey Nutman Resurrection
Annette Vande Gorne Tao metal
Barry Truax Digital Soundscapes Riverrun
Gabriel Brncic Gabriel
Brncic …que no desorganitza cap murmuri
Lluis Callejo Lluis Callejo A Pitagores
Ricardo dal Farra Concordia Archival Project Clones
David Hirst Three Studies Study #3
Wende Bartley Concordia Archival Project Mi Homo
Philip Mantione self 4minus4
Philip Mantione self AcGtr
East Side Quartet at the Ottawa Jazz Festival, June 29, noon on the
Rideau Centre Stage – a free concert – details on my web site
Acoustic Frontiers, each Monday at 12.30pm [eastern] at 93.1 fm in
Ottawa or for live streaming and archived programs
Also co-hosting the jazz program Swing Is In The Air, Sundays at 4pm
My reality TV is BNN