[ 13. Oktober 2010 ]

SOFTWARE – Acousmographe 3.6

Von: Kevin Austin <kevin.austin@videotron.ca>
Datum: 13. Oktober 2010 01:25:35 MESZ
Betreff: Acousmographe

For Mac & PC

A new version of Acousmographe is available to download:
(warning, temporary URL).

This version 3.6 offers the new following features:

– Redesigned user interface (reviewed menus, toolbars, etc.).
– Choosing the disk "repository" to temporarily store the spectrograms.
– Document properties available in a glance.
– Symbols pallet configurable.
– Multi-select inspector, to edit multiple symbols simultaneously.
– Symbols and markers fast renumbering.
– Paste / Replace symbols function improved.
– Randomise symbols function completed.
– Note plugin finalized for Mac OS X.
– Spanish version available.
– CAUTION: The acousmographies from version 3.6 are no longer readable
by versions 3.4 and earlier.

The Acousmographe Team.

