Von: Timothy Sutton
Datum: 17. Mai 2011 05:05:15 MESZ
Betreff: Alex Harker externals for MaxMSP
A quite impressive set of externals, as part of his PhD submission at
the University of York. The blurb follows the URL:
A Set of 80+ Externals for a variety of tasks in MaxMSP.
Mac OSX only (Windows versions to follow).
A brief overview of some areas addressed:
Efficient buffer playback and storage
General purpose scaling for Max and MSP
Efficient partitioned + non- partioned convolution
Enhanced audio multi-threading / dynamic patch loading
Comprehensive descriptor analysis (realtime + non-realtime)
Improved wiiremote communication object
High quality random number generators for Max and MSP
Sample accurate voice management and more
Thread debugging and switching
Utility objects
SIMD versions of 35 basic MSP objects