[ 11. August 2011 ]

SOFTWARE – Autocousmatic, an automatic acousmatic music generating program

Von: Nikolai Collinsky
Datum: 11. August 2011 10:37:27 MESZ
Betreff: Autocousmatic

Dear all,

I’ve just publicly released the project Autocousmatic, which is an
automatic acousmatic music generating program. A free download of the
program is available for people to try out automatic creation of their
own electroacoustic art music opuses (Mac OS X only, though
SuperCollider source also available).

I’ve also provided some example outputs on SoundCloud. I’d be very
grateful for any feedback people want to pass me off list (there is a
short informal questionnaire with the program download, for example).



Autocousmatic generates electroacoustic music intended for acousmatic
presentation. Based only on a seed directory of source sound files, a
desired duration and number of output channels, the program creates
multi-channel spectromorphological tape pieces. Audio analysis
capabilities are used to discover ‚useful‘ portions of sound files and
assess processed files. The project investigates a deeper relation
from machine listening to algorithmic composition tasks, and welcomes

No disrepect to human composing activities, actual or implied, is
intended (a human wrote the program, and human auditory systems remain
the standard of judgement).
