[ 9. Juli 2016 ]

STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNG – Gastprofessorship for one or two Semester(s), Detmold Residence for Sound, Image and Space design, Detmold, Germany

Von: Cathy Van Eck

Datum: Fri, 8 Jul 2016

Betreff: Fwd: Gastprofessorship for one or two Semester(s), Detmold

Residence for Sound, Image and Space design, Detmold, Germany

As you perhaps know, the Superior Conservatory for Music in Detmold

(Hochschule für Musik Detmold) and the Applied University OWL

(Fachhochschule OWL) are inviting each Semester a *Guestprofessor***in

the frame of its *Detmold Residence for Sound, Image and Space design.*

The Program is sponsored by the DAAD and is four semesters long. The

present guests are Gilbert Nouno (Winter Semester 2015-2016); Orjan

Sandred (Summersemester 2016), Andrea Valle (Wintersemester 2016-2017)

and again Gilbert Nouno (Sommersemester 2017).

We will reapply for the program for the following four semesters. We

are therefore looking for *4 new* *Guestprofessors *for

multi-/trans-/inter-medial art -visual art, performance, design,

opera, theater, scenography, electroacoustic music, technology for

art, robotics, etc.-, 1 guestprofessorship for each Semester: [Oct

2017-mid Febr. 2018] ; [April 2018-mid July 2018] ; [Oct 2018-mid

Febr. 2019] ; [April 2019-mid July 2019] ;

Details below.

If you are interested, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Don’t hesitate to forward this email to people who could be interested.

Fabien Lévy

Prof. Dr. Fabien Lévy

Professor für Komposition

Leitung, Earquake Detmold


Earquake, Epizentrum für experimentelle Musik

der Hochschule für Musik Detmold

Neustadt 22, 32756 Detmold, Germany



Details of the residency:

Duration of the residency: one German academic Semester (possibly

two), inside a frametime from October 2017 to July 2019: [Oct 2017-mid

Febr. 2018] ; [April 2018-mid July 2018] ; [Oct 2018-mid Febr. 2019] ;

[April 2019-mid July 2019] ;

Institutions and department involved:

Applied University OWL / School for architecture and interior

design: _http://www.hs-owl.de/fb1/_

Applied University OWL / Media production dept:


Hochschule für Musik Detmold / Earquake, Epicenter for experimental

music, Dept. for composition: http://www.hfm-detmold.de/en/earquake/

Hochschule für Musik Detmold / Erich Thienhaus Institue für

Tonmeister: http://www.eti.hfm-detmold.de/

ZeMFI, Center for Music and Film Computing: http://www.zemfi.de

(joint research center between both schools)

Other dept. and students could be involved, depending of the profile

of the guest professor (Opera school, etc.)

Status of the Guestprofessor:

Guestprofessor, income equivalent to a full time W2 professorship

Workload of 12 SWS (eq. 12 hours) teaching / Week + participation to

research and art projects.

A stay in Detmold is highly recommended.

Exact Role of the Gastprofessor:

she/he will work with interdisciplinary teams of different

students from both schools (designers, media production students,

composers, sound engineers, possibly musicians and singers) in

order to concretize a multimedia project (for instance:

installation, music theater, artwork with technology, etc.). The

tutoring will be a mix of regular individual and collective

lessons, and coaching (8 SWS)

– she/he will give some complementary courses depending of her/his

speciality and some needs of the schools, such as design, live

electronics, music computing, theater, acoustics, video

processing, for instance. (4SWS)

– she/he will interact with different instructors, researchers and

students from both institutions and from ZeMFI.

– she/he can contribute to some research programs, use labors and

studio, and realize a piece in interaction with our researchers

and instructors (for instance a electroacoustic piece for

wave-field synthesis, a project using research from ZeMFI, etc..).

– Eligibility: *Being a professor in an academic institution outside

Germany, or an renowned artist with teaching experiences living and

teaching outside Germany.

– If you are interested, please send until September 30, 2016:

– A CV, including the academic activities and a list of artistic


– The Semester(s) you would like to apply

– A list of possible courses you could teach (to be discussed then

considering the needs of the institutions).

– Applications are accepted until September 30, 2016.

This residency program is related to the acceptation by the DAAD of a

renewal for two further years of the program. Result in

January/February 2017.

More information here:


For further questions, please contact:

Prof Jörg Oliver Kiefel joerg.kiefel@hs-owl.de

Prof. for Scenography/interior

design at the Fachhochschule OWL


Prof. Fabien Lévy <levy@hfm-detmold.de levy@hfm-detmold.de>>,

Professor for Composition at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold.