Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014
From: Elektramusic
Elektramusic Newsletter / Strasbourg Genève
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Musiques électroacoustiques et innovantes Strasbourg
Electroacoustic and innovative musics Strasbourg
Septembre 2014 / September ’14
Forum des Saisons Culturelles / Place Gutenberg Strasbourg
Forum des saisons culturelles
Place Gutenberg le vendredi 12 septembre (14h-18h) et samedi 13
septembre (9h-19h)
Stage STEIM Amsterdam
Wireless sensing for music, environments, and performance with
Elektramusic is proud to invite STEIM Amsterdam in Strasbourg for a
two-days workshop on Sense/Stage wireless sensing for music,
environments and performance.
Dates : November 14 and 15 of 2014. Place : Strasbourg (France) TJP
theater. Admission fee : free (limited number of participants).
Application and information by mail before November 6th directly
A workshop exploring the creative possibilities of wireless, networked
sensing. The platform we’ll be using is Sense/Stage, a hardware/software
system developed specifically for the development of wireless and
networked systems for performance, dance, and music. More detail at
Call for works and support
Elektramusic is still looking for new fresh music/videoworks. You can
submit your creations by visiting this page
on our site.
By the way you know that Elektramusic really needs you support, so
please renew your membership here
or make a donation
to help us to keep alive our activities./
Facebook Elektramusic
Site Elektramusic
Email Elektramusic
Elektramusic – association pour les musiques électroacoustiques et
innovantes – direction artistique Paul Clouvel
Droits réservés / All rights reserved
France: Elektramusic 10 rue du Hohwald 67000 Strasbourg – association
inscrite au tribunal de Strasbourg
Suisse: Elektramusic CH 1200 Genève – association à but non lucratif
art. 60ss code civil suisse
Our mailing address / adresse de la newsletter :
la fabrique de théâtre
10, rue du hohwald