[ 19. November 2011 ]

STUDIUM – Graduate studies in music composition at the University of North Texas

From: „Klein, Joseph“
Date: November 11, 2011 12:59:20 PM CST
Subject: Graduate studies in music composition at the University of
North Texas

Dear colleagues:

The music composition faculty at the University of North Texas would
greatly appreciate your assistance in getting the word out to
prospective graduate composition students from your program by
forwarding this message or posting/distributing the attached flyer.
The application deadline is Monday, December 5, 2011.

Please note that we provide graduate assistantships to all PhD
students in our program, as well as a limited number of full-tuition
scholarships to new graduate students — so this is an excellent time
to consider graduate studies at UNT.

Thank you for your assistance.


Joseph Klein, DMus
Distinguished Professor of Music
Chair, Division of Composition Studies
University of North Texas College of Music
1155 Union Circle #311367
Denton, TX 76203-5017
(940)565-4926 (ph); (940)565-2002 (fax)

Graduate Studies in Music Composition at the University of North Texas

The University of North Texas College of Music is accepting
applications for graduate degree programs and graduate fellowships/
assistantships in composition and computer music. Teaching
opportunities include composition lessons, courses in composition and
computer music, and technical assistantships in the Center for
Experimental Music and Intermedia. Scholarships and fellowships are
also available, including the competitive Toulouse Graduate School
Master’s and Doctoral Fellowships — which provide a monthly stipend,
as well as covering tuition and fees (see http://www.tsgs.unt.edu/mdf.htm
for details) — and the Graduate Assistant Tuition Scholarships
(GATS) awards.

The Division of Composition Studies offers MA and PhD degrees with a
concentration in composition, including a specialization in
interdisciplinary studies at the master’s level and a specialization
in computer music media at the master’s and doctoral level. UNT’s
composition program is one of the largest and most diverse in the
nation, with approximately 70 students. Current composition faculty
members include Joseph Klein, Andrew May, Christopher Trebue Moore,
Elizabeth McNutt, Jon Christopher Nelson, David Stout, and Joelle
Wallach. For more information, visit http://www.music.unt.edu/comp.

The UNT composition program also features:
• A professionally-active community of student composers, frequently
recognized through major international awards (ASCAP, Barlow,
Bourges), conferences (SEAMUS, SCI, ICMC), festivals (ISCM, EMM,
Gaudeamus), and grants.
• Regular performance and reading opportunities, including seven
public programs devoted to original student compositions (Spectrum,
Centerpieces) presented each year, as well as regular reading sessions
by the UNT Symphony Orchestra, Nova Ensemble, and other College of
Music ensembles.
• The Composers Forum, a student organization that produces concerts
and other events, and fosters collaboration between composers,
performers, and artists of all kinds throughout the UNT community; see http://music.unt.edu/comp/students/composers-forum
for more information.
• A weekly Music Now departmental lecture series featuring faculty,
guest, and student presentations pertaining to the creation,
performance, and understanding of recent music.
• Residencies by guest composers and specialists in new music; recent
and upcoming guests include composers Samuel Adler, Daniel Asia,
Claude Baker, John Chowning, Mario Davidovsky, Jake Heggie, William
Kraft, Libby Larsen, Mario Lavista, Philippe Manoury, Pauline
Oliveros, Miller Puckette, Robert Rowe, Joseph Schwantner, Roberto
Sierra, Harvey Sollberger, Augusta Read Thomas, and Julia Wolfe, as
well as performers Allen Blustine, Mark Dresser, Esther Lamneck, Jin
Hi Kim, Frances-Marie Uitti, Leonard Slatkin, ETHEL, Percussion Group
Cincinnati, and Zeitgeist.
• The internationally recognized Center for Experimental Music &
Intermedia (CEMI), at the forefront of media technology including
synthesis and signal processing, multi-channel audio diffusion and
spatialization, and live interactive performance. Intermedia works
created at CEMI integrate music with video/film, dance, plastic arts,
theater, lighting, and robotics. More information is available at http://cemi.music.unt.edu/
• Five state-of-the-art project studios housed within CEMI, including
four 8.1 environments, each optimized for a different purpose (video
production, audio production/teaching, interactive computer music
production/rehearsal, and interdisciplinary general access).
• A designated black box theater for composition division events, the
Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater (MEIT), which features a custom
computer-controlled 16.1 audio diffusion system, 270-degree 3-screen
immersive video projection system, a MIDI-controllable stage lighting
system, and a dedicated performance computer providing a comprehensive
suite of software and 16-channel audio output.
• Opportunities for active participation with the Initiative for
Advanced Research in Technology and the Arts (iARTA), a newly formed
research cluster that brings together faculty and students from the
departments of Music Composition, Music Theory, Studio Arts, Art
History, Radio Television Film, Dance and Theater, Computer Science
and Engineering. More information is available at http://iarta.unt.edu/
• Nova Ensemble, the new music ensemble at UNT, which presents
programs of contemporary works representing the full spectrum of
today’s music by student, faculty, and guest artists, collaborations
with other College of Music ensembles, and performances using a
variety of electronic technologies.

With 1100 undergraduate and 600 graduate students, the UNT College of
Music maintains nationally and internationally recognized programs in
virtually all disciplines of music study. It also supports one of the
most complete music libraries in the nation. The University of North
Texas is a student-centered public research university with more than
34,000 students, in Denton, Texas. Denton’s location at the north edge
of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area gives students access to
first-rate cultural opportunities, including several municipal
symphony orchestras and world-class art museums. More information is
available at http://www.music.unt.edu/.

Application deadline: Monday, December 5, 2011. For further
information about the program, please visit the UNT composition
website (http://music.unt.edu/comp) or contact Michelle Hurt at michelle.hurt@unt.edu
