Subject: MMus in Sonic Arts at Aberdeen
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014
From: Suk-Jun Kim
Dear all,
We offer a broad based approach to sonic arts that emphasises both
theoretical knowledge and practical skills in sonic arts and sound
technology. Our MMus in Sonic Arts programme is intended for students
coming from diverse backgrounds in one or more of the following: music,
computing science, informatics, visual art, performance, theatre, media
studies and film.
Areas of specialism include: electroacoustic music composition;
multi-channel sound installation; soundscape composition and field
recording; digital audio production; sound synthesis and DSP;
interactive programming and experimental music; sound studies (cultural,
historical and technical aspects); radiophonic composition.
Studying Sonic Arts at the University of Aberdeen will offer you a
diverse range of opportunities for performing and exhibiting your work.
All teaching staff are active creative practitioners who can guide you
to realise your creative projects. You will also be part of the vibrant
music community at the University of Aberdeen.
For information on how to apply:
For further information about the programme, contact Dr Suk-Jun Kim
Also visit , the
website of SERG (Sound Emporium Research Group)
Best regards,
Suk-Jun Kim, PhD
Programme Coordinator, MMus in Sonic Arts
Lecturer in Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art
University of Aberdeen
MacRobert Building, King’s College
Aberdeen, Scotland UK