[ 12. Juni 2017 ]

STUDIUM – OPPORTUNITY: PhD Studentship at SARC, Belfast : Designing inclusive music technologies – National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF)

Von: Franziska Schroeder
Datum: Mon, 12 Jun 2017
Betreff: OPPORTUNITY: PhD Studentship at SARC, Belfast : Designing inclusive music technologies – National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF)


A new PhD studentship opportunity, funded by National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF), at the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC), Queen’s University Belfast.
Details of the scheme are provided at the Northern Bridge website http://www.northernbridge.ac.uk/studentships/npif/

Designing inclusive music technologies: Transforming lives of disabled musicians through music improvisation and digital technologies
Main academic supervisor:
Dr Franziska Schroeder, Sonic Arts Research Centre Queen’s University
Belfast BT7 1NN f.schroeder@qub.ac.uk
Drake Music NI (www.drakemusicni.com); Farset Labs Belfast (www.farsetlabs.org.uk); and the Ulster Orchestra (www.ulsterorchestra.org.uk).
This project will examine practices of inclusive music making and accessible design with digital musical instruments, used by disabled musicians. The aim is to undertake an interdisciplinary exploration combining music improvisation, and digital design of inclusive musical interfaces. The studentship allows for a music/interface design researcher to work in the areas between music improvisation, critical disability studies and digital design to highlight and implement innovative modes of inclusive musical interactions for disabled musicians. The research is industry facing as the researcher works between Queen’s University (Sonic Arts Research Centre), Drake Music NI (a charity working with disabled musicians), the Ulster Orchestra (to test and implement designs, with view to creating a unique inclusive music orchestra in Northern Ireland that includes abled and disabled musicians), and digital design company Farset Labs Belfast (to develop and make inclusive musical instruments tailored to the needs of disabled musicians).
The researcher might investigate how music technology might be seen as a barrier or as a facilitator; to what extent the design of music technologies might enhance and facilitate participation in music making; the question of music improvisation and inclusivity; how improvisatory strategies might support inclusive music making in the context of working with digital musical instruments; how we challenge traditional musical ontology. And finally, the researcher might look into a wider understanding of disability, and address the extent to which inclusive approaches to music making can empower disabled people, and thereby challenge exclusionary practices and the marginalisation of disabled people in music making.

Best wishes,

dr f r a n z i s k a s c h r o e d e r

School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen’s University Belfast
Head of Performance (Music), Senior Lecturer and
School’s Impact and Public Engagement Champion

Tel. 028 9097 1024
Email: f.schroeder@qub.ac.uk

