Luc Ferrari Competition
Call for composition proposals: Correspondance
Every two years, La Muse en Circuit, the National Centre for Musical
Creation, and SACEM, in partnership with the Archipel Festival, Radio
France, Radio Suisse Romande – Espace 2 DeutschlandRadioKultur, Radio
Campus and Musiq 3 –RTBF, invite young composers to apply for the Luc
Ferrari Competition. This year’s entitled is: Correspondance. In
French, the word ‚correspondance‘ refers not only to the exchange of
letters but also changes in direction, special connections between two
people or things. Correspondance is the sign of contact and
expectation, of the complexity of the world and the chance of the
perfect encounter. Correspondance, like a way of compensating for
absence… On this theme, the candidates are invited to propose a
composition project of a piece lasting between 15 and 25 minutes for
fixed sounds, using the recording and transformation of sound. La Muse
en Circuit makes available different creation and recording studios as
well as instruments from its collection of analogical synthesizers. A
grant of 1,600 Euros will be awarded to the three winners, who will be
invited to compose all or part of their piece in the La Muse en
Circuit studios, in the form of a residency that will not exceed 15
days. The pieces thus realised will receive a first performance during
the Archipel Festival in Geneva in March 2013 and be heard again in
the course of La Muse en Circuit’s season. A recording will be made
and distributed to international radio. For more information, visit
the website below.
Deadline: August 25, 2012