Von: João Pais
Datum: 26. Juni 2012 13:53:15 MESZ
Betreff: Workshop ‚MAX/JITTER for beginners“-Presenter Claudia Robles
Angel/11.07. & 12.07.2012 / @ LEAP
This workshop is suitable for visual artists, sculptors, dancers,
performers and
students interested in experimenting with visual interactive
2 day workshop: 11.07. & 12.07.2012, 15:00-19:00
1 day: 50 €
2 days: 80 €
Register before 06.07.2012 at workshops@leapknecht.de
Places are Limited
Facebook Event
About the Workshop
MAX/MSP is an application specially designed for interactive works
such as installations and performances with music and video in real
time. It can be connected to Arduino interfaces, a wide variety of
controllers, sensors and MIDI controllers and it is relatively easy to
learn. It includes different environments, such as MSP (for real time
audio) and Jitter (for real time video).
The workshop gives an introduction to the software and, in particular,
about the use of Jitter in interactive environments such as
installations or dance pieces, with the aid of MIDI controllers,
tracking systems and/or body sensors. The workshop also includes an
overview of Jitter objects, and the design of patchers and user-
Introduction to the concept and user interface of MAX/MSP
How to control patchers with MIDI controllers
How to control patchers with bio-data
How to automatise patchers.
Playing, mixing, recording movies
Colour tracking
Open GL with Jitter
Creating multiple channel video
Own laptop (Mac OS X/Windows) with an authorised, or a running Demo
If possible bring your own MIDI Controller or body sensor.
Claudia Robles Angel
CLAUDIA ROBLES ANGEL is an audiovisual artist born in Bogotá –
Colombia, currently living in Cologne, Germany and active worldwide.
She finished studies in Fine Arts in 1990 at the University J. T.
Lozano in Bogotá (Colombia). She pursued postgraduate studies such as:
Film Animation (1992-1993) at the CFP (Milan-Italy); MA in Visual Arts
(1993-1995) at the École Supérieure d’Art Visuel (Geneva-
Switzerland) and Sound Design and Electronic Composition at the
Folkwang University Essen (Germany) with Prof. Dirk Reith from
In 2004 she won the second prize at the competition Hören und Sehen
organized by the ZKM (Center for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe and the
Institute für Neue Musik in Darmstadt (both in Germany) for her
audiovisual composition Bewegung in Silber. She has also been artist-
in-residence in Germany both at the ZKM – Centre in Karlsruhe
(2004-2006) and at the KHM in Cologne (2008 – 2009).
Her work has been presented in festivals and in group and solo
exhibitions around the globe, from the International Computer Music
Conferences ICMC in Copenhagen and Montréal, the Enter3 in Prague and
the NYCEMF in new York to the SIGGRAPH Asia in Yokohama, Japan and,
more recently, to the Festival for Digital Media Re-New2011 in
Copenhagen and at the NIME2011 in Oslo.
“Xth Sense: Biophysical Music” presented by Marco Donnarumma
14.07. & 15.07.2012, 13:00-19.00
Find Infos here: Facebook Event
Marco Donnarumma and Claudia Robles Angel both will perform at LEAP at
“Body Controlled #4 – Bio Interfacing”.
Opening on Friday, 13.07.2012, from 20.00.
Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance
(Berlin Carré 1. Stock)
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13
10178 Berlin