[ 19. Juli 2016 ]

Zurich – save the date: Alvin Lucier 85th Birthday Festival

Von: Martin Supper

Datum: Tue, 19 Jul 2016

Betreff: save the date: Alvin Lucier 85th Birthday Festival

save the date: Alvin Lucier 85th Birthday Festival

Das Institut für Theorie lädt ein zum:

Alvin Lucier 85th Birthday Festival

10.-14. Oktober 2016

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK)


Konzerte, Installationen und Workshops

mit Alvin Lucier, Joan LaBarbara, Charles Curtis, Hildegard Kleeb,

Roland Dahinden, Stephen O’Malley (Sunno))), Oren Ambarchi, Trio

Retro-Disco sowie Felix Profos und Studenten der ZHdK


mit Dieter Mersch, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Martin Supper, Sabine Sanio,

Volker Straebel, Charles Curtis, Hauke Harder u.v.m.

Weiteres Programm:

Installationen 10.-14. Oktober:

Music on a Long Thin Wire, Directions of Sounds from the Bridge, Empty

Vessels, Music for Pure Waves, Bass Drums and Acoustic Pendulums

Kollaboration: Sol LeWitt, Walldrawing 730, Alvin Lucier,Panorama

Konzerte 12.-14.10.2016:

Wednesday/Mittwoch 12.10.2016:

6 p.m /18 Uhr Opener: Konzertsaal 1

Small Waves (A. Lucier) for string quartet, trombone, piano, and 2

dancers with 6 partially filled water containers mit Roland Dahinden,

Hildegard Kleeb und Studenten der ZHdK

8 p.m./20 Uhr Hauptkonzert: grosser Konzertsaal

Two Circles (A. Lucier) for flute, Bb clarinet, violin, cello, and

piano, Felix Profos und Studenten

Charles Curtis (A. Lucier) for cello with slow sweep pure wave

oscillators, Charles Curtis

Uraufführung:/Step, Slide and Sustain (A. Lucier) for horn in f, cello,

and piano, Trio Retro Disco

I am Sitting in a Room (A. Lucier) Alvin Lucier

Music for Piano and one or more Snare Drums (A. Lucier) Hildegard Kleeb

10.30 p.m. 22.30 Uhr Late Night: grosser Konzertsaal

Homage-Kompositionen: Short Pieces von Markus Trunk, Daniel Wolf, Roland

Dahinden und Hauke Harder


7 p.m. /19 Uhr Opener: MIZ, Ebene 5

Palimpsest (A. Lucier) Joan LaBarbara

8.30 p.m. /20.30 Uhr Hauptkonzert:

grosser Konzertsaal

Criss-Cross (A. Lucier) for two electric guitars, Stephen O’Malley und

Oren Ambarchi

Hanover (A. Lucier) for violin, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, 3

banjos, piano, and bowed vibraphone, Lars Mlekusch und Studenten

Slices (A. Lucier) Charles Curtis

Only (Morton Feldman) Joan LaBarbara

Bird and Person Dyning (A. Lucier) Alvin Lucier for performer with

microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers and electronic birdcall

Braid (A. Lucier) Felix Profos und Studenten for alto flute, clarinet,

english horn, and string quartet

11 p.m. /23 Uhr Late Night: grosser Konzertsaal

Duo (Christian Wolff) Charles Curtis

Nothing is Real (A. Lucier) for piano, amplified teapot, tape recorder

and miniature sound system, ZHdk Student

UA:Two Voices and Sonorous Vessels (vorläufiger Titel) (A. Lucier) für

Hildegard Kleeb und Roland Dahinden

On the Carpet of Leaves illuminated by the Moon (A. Lucier) for solo

koto, cello,or acoustic guitar and pure wave oscillator, Oren Ambarchi

Freitag/Friday 14.10.2016:

6 p.m./18 Uhr Opener: grosser Konzertsaal

One Arm Bandits (A. Lucier) Charles Curtis Cello Quartett

8 p.m./ 20 Uhr Hauptkonzert: grosser Konzertsaal

Panorama (A. Lucier) for trombone and piano, Hildegard Kleeb und Roland


80 plus for Alvin Lucier (Christian Wolff) for any players, Studenten

der ZHdK

Ever Present (A. Lucier) for flute, saxophone, and piano with slow sweep

pure wave oscillators, Lars Mlekusch und Studenten

Opera with Objects (A. Lucier) for performer with resonant objects,

Alvin Lucier

Music for Solo Performer (A. Lucier) for enormously amplified brain

waves and percussion, Alvin Lucier

10.30 p.m. /22.30 Uhr Late Night: Walcheturm

Stephen O’Malley Solo-Konzert

Kino Toni, 09.10.2016

8p.m./20 Uhr: No Ideas but in Things – the Composer Alvin Lucier



Tuesday/ Dienstag 11. Oktober

Kammermusikworkshop mit Alvin Lucier (Atelier Felix Profos)

Wednesday/Mittwoch, 12. Oktober

Workshop (vormittags 10-13 Uhr) mit Alvin Lucier und den Theorie- und

Kompositionsstudierenden unter Einbezug von Kammermusik (s.o.): Aspekte

von Luciers Stücken diskutieren

Gesangsworkshop mit Joan La Barbara

Symposium: 10-16.30 Uhr, Raum 5K.03

Thursday/Donnerstag 13.10.2016

Dieter Mersch, Charles Curtis, Jörn Peter Hiekel, Volker Straebel plus

Gespräch mit Joan LaBarbara und Hauke Harder

Friday/Freitag 14.10.2016

Helga de la Motte, Sabine Sanio, Martin Supper, Bernhard Rietbrock plus

Gespräch mit Anthony Burr und Charles Curtis sowie evtl. auch Oren

Ambarchi und Stephen O’Malley

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Zurich University of the Arts

Katrin Stowasser-Rohrer M.A.

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin Institut für Theorie


Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstr. 96, Postfach, 8031 Zürich

Telefon +41 43 446 6504, Fax +41 43 446 4539

Mobile +41 798705413

