Von: Kevin Austin
Datum: Sat, 6 Aug 2016
Betreff: [cec-c] PhD position at SACEM / IRCAM on automatic
identification of musical works
Introduction to SACEM:
SACEM (Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music) is a
French professional association collecting payments of artists’ rights
and distributing the rights to the original songwriters, composers, and
music publishers. It is a non-profit non-trading entity owned and
managed by its members according to the business model of a cooperative.
To guarantee authors’ intellectual property rights over their works,
SACEM collects and distributes royalties, thereby playing a crucial
economic role to preserve musical creation.
Introduction to IRCAM: IRCAM is a leading non-profit organization
associated to Centre Pompidou, dedicated to music production, R&D and
education in sound and music technologies. It hosts composers,
researchers and students from many countries cooperating in contemporary
music production, scientific and applied research. The main topics
addressed in its R&D department include acoustics, audio signal
processing, computer music, interaction technologies and musicology.
Ircam is located in the centre of Paris near the Centre Pompidou, at 1,
Place Igor Stravinsky 75004 Paris.
Description of the PHD research:
The goal of the PHD is to develop innovative and efficient algorithms
for the identification of musical works (ISWC code, not the
identification of recordings denoted by ISRC) at scale. The PHD student
will rely on pre-existing works performed at IRCAM and on the current
literature of the field. The final application targets the
identification of musical content as hosted by online platforms from the
audio signal only (without using external meta-data).
For this, the PHD student will study methods based on the extraction of
audio signature representative of the musical works and algorithms for
comparison of those at-scale, extraction of dominant melody and
algorithms for comparison of those at-scale, audio to score alignment at
scale any innovative algorithms that allow improving musical work
Description of the PHD position:
The PHD student will be hired by SACEM as a researcher for
interdisciplinary project. He/she will be hired as a 36 months
short-term contract. The scientific supervision of the PHD will be done
Required profile:
– Student with at least a Master 2 degree
– Very good knowledge in computer science, audio signal processing and
machine learning
– Good knowledge of big data issues and solutions (data scientist
profiles are welcome)
– Good knowledge of Linux, Windows, Mac-OS environments
– Good knowledge of Matlab and/or Python, Java
Starting date:
September the 1st, 2016
Please send an application letter with the reference „Cifre/CR“ together
with your resume and any suitable information addressing the above
issues by email todrh.recrutement@sacem.frwith cc