[ 10. April 2014 ]

BERLIN – AKT @ Antje Öklesund – 3.5.14

Subject: AKT @ Antje Öklesund – 3.5.14
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2014
From: Marc Voigt
Organization: TU Berlin – Audiokommunikation

Hello World,

as announced, on the 3rd of May there will be the first
AKT-student-event at the Antje Öklesund in Friedrichshain, where
students and friends will present their artistic works.

What there’ll be to see and hear:

Diminimal ( http://www.soundcloud.com/diminimal-1 )

1)3/1532 ( https://soundcloud.com/deviser )

Chris Clock ( http://chrisclock.com/ )

cirquedigital ( https://soundcloud.com/cirquedigital/ )

Sebaston Electrique ( http://www.soundcloud.com/sebastianarnold )

Video-Art by Auto.maten

Sound-Installation by Maximilian Ilse

Doors open at 21.00, entrace will be 3 – 5 Euro (depending on the
expected number of guests).

If you want to join the Online Sensation, here’s the Facebook Link:


(By the way: The old, wise Man with all the medals on the flyer is
Samuel Morse.)

So please go and tell it on the mountain and bring all your friends,
so that the first event can be a success and we will be able to do it
on a regular basis. If you want to help with the organization of the
event, for example by spending some time at the entrace, please write
me an E-Mail.

hope to see you at the beginning of May,

Marten Seedorf