[ 17. November 2010 ]

BERLIN – Interior Landscapes III & IV

From: Chiyoko Szlavnics
Date: November 17, 2010 1:33:11 AM GMT+01:00
Subject: Interior Landscapes III & IV

Dear friends,

I would like to inform you of the final two concerts in the Interior
Landscapes Series at Haus 19:

Thursday November 25th, 8pm
Interior Landscapes III: A steadfast duo
Daniella Strasfogel, Biliana Voutchkova, violins
Music by Chiyoko Szlavnics

Thursday December 16th, 9pm
Interior Landscapes IV: Listening about the Eye
Vocalists Ute Wassermann & Natalia Pschenitschnikova
Microtonal & Just Sine Tones
Live Video, Els van Riel
Texts by Wolfgang von Goethe & Leonardi Da Vinci
Music by Chiyoko Szlavnics

We would be very pleased if you would join us!

Chiyoko Szlavnics
Haus 19 / 7hours
Admission is: 10/8 Euros
Please bring warm clothing!

This project has been made possible with the support of inm, e.V.,
