Von: Douglas Henderson
Betreff: Sound installations at the AdK Berlin, 08.06 – 15.06.2013, Hanseatenweg 10.
Datum: 4. Juni 2013 11:04:06 MESZ
POESIE als kunstklang
Poetry as Sound Art
3 sound installations for the poesiefestival berlin
Artists: Gary Hill, Douglas Henderson (with MC Jabber), .
08. June – 15. June, daily 11h – 23h
Locations: Clubraum, Glasgang, Gräsergarten in the Akademie der Künste
Vernissage: 07.06.2013 18h, Hanseatenweg 10, Berlin
Artists‘ Talk: 08.06.2013 17h: Douglas Henderson and , moderation by Dr. Kersten Glandien, curator.
For further information on this exhibition, and the entire festival: