[ 17. Januar 2012 ]

CALL – Journal for Artistic Research – JAR 2

Welcoming contributions to our second issue:

Journal for Artistic Research – JAR 2

JAR is a free online journal that focuses on artistic practice as research, re-negotiates art’s relationship to academia and couples the multi-media and social capabilities of the web with peer-reviewing and scholarly rigour.
We invite original submissions from artists with or without academic affiliation who wish to contribute to the ongoing debate about research in the arts, and reflect on artistic practice, processes and research in exchange with a group of engaged peers.

Whether you see yourself as an artist, a designer, a musician or a performer, who works outside traditional academic research environments or an academic working on arts related research, we invite you to explore the possibilities of adopting alternative, experimental and more artistic modes of presenting research than a classic journal format may support.

With the aim of displaying and documenting practice in a manner that respects artists‘ modes of presentation, JAR provides its contributors with a free to use online writing space, a dynamic online canvas where text can be woven together with image, audio and video material. The result is a journal that promotes experimental approaches to ‚writing‘ and provides a unique ‚reading‘ experience, while carefully fulfilling the expectations of scholarly dissemination.

We embrace research practices across and between disciplines, and the rich-media writing space actively encourages collaboration, allowing multiple authors to work on the same document simultaneously.

JAR is guided by an editorial board that works with a large panel of international editors and peer reviewers from the field of artistic research. Check out our first peer-reviewed issue JAR 1 at http://www.jar-online.net and join the discussion about the contributions published there.

Deadlines for JAR 2:
If you are interested in publishing a contribution in JAR please get in touch with us. We will give you advice on how to register for an account, get started with the writing space and develop a submission for one of the coming issues. Submissions to JAR can be made anytime. For the next issue, JAR2, we invite submissions between now and mid-March.

The Journal of Artistic Research is published twice a year.

Send your correspondence to:
Michael Schwab
Editor in Chief, Journal for Artistic Research (JAR)

JAR is published by the Society for Artistic Research.
