Von: claudia robles
Datum: 14. Oktober 2012 21:44:41 MESZ
Dear friends and colleagues,
I am delighted to announce the second edition of NOMÁDES… – an international cycle of audiovisual works and electroacoustic music whose purpose is to mainly disseminate fixed media audiovisual works around the world, in which image and music share the same degree of importance; the cycle also includes pure electroacoustic music pieces. The concerts aim to take place without a fixed venue or country, according to the name ’nomádes‘, a Greek word to define people who rather than settling permanently in one location, move from one place to another.
This time running within LIQUID SPACES in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, this Nomádes concert has been made possible thanks to the kind support of 2580association and the Music Academy Cluj, presenting works by Dietrich Hahne, Thomas Gerwin, Andre Bartetzki, Peter Gahn and Javier Garavaglia/Claudia Robles.
Friday 19th October 7 PM (local time).
Studio Room, G. Dima Music Academy Cluj, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
Best wishes,
Claudia Robles
New Media/Audiovisual Artist / Curator of NOMÁDES…
International Associate Curator of the International Image Festival.