Von: Javier A. Garavaglia
Datum: 9. September 2012 22:22:27 MESZ
An: Garavaglia Javier
Betreff: World premiere of CONFLUENCES (Rainbows II) by Javier
Garavaglia at the ICMC 2012
Dear friends and colleagues
On September 13th, the world premiere of my new piece:
for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and live electronics in 5.1
surround sound
will take place during the ICMC 2012 in the afternoon concert (4:15
pm) at the Španški Borci Hall – Zaloška cesta 61, 1000 in Ljubljana
Infos about this concert @:
The composition is the latest and most complex practical example of
the implementation of fully automatised real time processes, which are
described in detail in my article: ‘Raising Awareness About Complete
Automation of Live-Electronics: a Historical Perspective’ in Auditory
Display, 6th International Symposium CMMR/ICAD 2009, Copenhagen,
Denmark, May 2009. Revised papers . Lecture Notes in Computer Science
– LNCS 5054. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heilderberg (2010) pp. 438-465
ISSN 0302-9743
ISBN-10 3-642-12438-0 / Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heilderberg, New York.
ISBN-13 978-3-642-12438-9 / Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heilderberg, New
The article can also be found ONLINE at:
Best wishes, and I hope to be able to see some of you during the ICMC
Javier A. Garavaglia